Company-wide CX principles are the foundation to resilient revenue and long-term growth

During the last decade or so, tech companies have been pressured to grab market share and expand top-line revenue at any cost. And while this approach can fuel growth for while, we’ve seen what happens when the ZIRP-fueled sales and marketing party suddenly comes to an end.

Unfortunately that environment has enabled some unsustainable behaviors in many other functions as well. Product and engineering teams under pressure to build shallow and wide in an attempt to expand TAM at the expense of existing customers. And CX teams—tasked with bridging gaps and propping up unprofitable customers instead of driving outcomes—became bloated.

Today there’s a lot less focus on clever financial engineering and much more emphasis on sustainable business practices. Company-wide CX principles like customer centricity, pricing methods that don’t put usage in direct tension with cost, and a commitment to continuous product improvement are the foundations to resilient growth.

Hopefully it’s now clear that CX teams can’t drive customer outcomes—and the financial fruits of those labors like revenue retention and expansion—in isolation. What’s needed is top-down agreement that good-fit customers, deeply valuable products, and measurable customer outcomes are an imperative.

Those foundations leave CX teams to concentrate on providing additional value and expertise, wisely utilizing digital tools to scale, enabling delightful customer experiences, and safeguarding and growing revenue for your business.


Signals that a company is actually customer-centric and not just good at branding


Dad Advice for Managers