Strategy & Analysis

Understand the current state and impact of your company’s customer experiences and get a go-forward plan. Learn what’s working, what’s not, and how to tell the difference.

Before you can build a CX practice that stewards and grows durable revenue, there are three foundational questions to ask:

What is the value that…

  • you bring to your customers?

  • your customers give to your company?

  • your CX organization delivers to both your company and your customers?

The word “value” is doing a lot of work there. Of course it means revenue. But it can also mean things like time, ease, security, reputation, partnerships, referrals, and feedback—amongst many others. It’s a series of leading questions that at first blush may seem straightforward, but often spark deep discussion and reflection.

The answers to these questions should form the strategic and operational basis for your entire company, not just your CX teams.

What I’ll Deliver

We’ll work together to clearly define the deliverables that will be most impactful for you. They may include projects and assets like:

  • Revenue analysis (forecasting, renewals, expansion, and churn)

  • A diagnostic of your current state and future opportunities [Example]

  • A strategic plan with detailed recommendations on the operational system of your CX org and other relevant functional areas [Example]

  • Clearly defined CX functions, objectives, goals, and KPIs

  • Outline of the cross-functional opportunities with Sales, Product, Engineering, Marketing, and People Ops

  • Recommendations for centering “customer success” as a company-wide operating principle

How We’ll Work Together

In addition to helping you unpack those foundational questions in a workshop setting, I’ll ask members of your team to answer diagnostic questionnaires tailored to their position and experience level.

Using the data and responses from that diagnostic, I’ll interview your team members with any follow up questions.

In addition to speaking with your team, a few, brief customer interviews can help me fill any important information gaps.

Lastly access to data, dashboards, call recordings, and any other research resources will help round out my understanding and aid my thinking.