Organizational Design & Enablement

Need help defining roles and responsibilities, creating career ladders for your teams, or even recruiting and hiring your next CX leader? Get the all-important people part right the first time.

Customer satisfaction begins with employee satisfaction, and especially so for your customer-facing teams.

If your post-sale teams are empowered, supported, considered, and clear in their mission and responsibilities, that positive energy and clear direction will radiate into their customer interactions and the outcomes for your business.

But the opposite is also true—with the corresponding negative impacts including decreased customer satisfaction, churn, and employee attrition.

Not only are point-of-contact changes frustrating for your customers, the potential for knowledge loss—both institutional and relational—is high. Not to mention the expense of recruiting and training.

Building a team with longevity, adaptability, and buoyancy is the solid foundation to creating a competitive advantage that can’t be easily copied or imitated.

What I’ll Deliver

We’ll work together to clearly define the areas of need that are most urgent for you. They may include things like:

  • Defining roles & responsibilities 

  • Career Ladders

  • Review and evaluation processes

  • Training programs

  • Employee retention & growth programs

  • Compensation models

  • Capacity planning

  • Hiring process

  • Recruiting assistance

How we’ll work together

Using a combination of interviews and surveys, I’ll deep dive into what makes your post-sales teams tick. It’s important to be able to have confidential conversations with leaders and individual contributors alike to uncover what your people authentically value and what could better support them in achieving their goals—both their own and the company’s.

Similarly it will be important for me to partner with your HR and PeopleOps leaders to get perspective, gather information, and ensure any new frameworks are a good match for your existing structures.

In addition, sharing existing information with me such as pulse survey data, compensation data, or review questions will provide the additional understanding I need to make comprehensive recommendations.